There have been a lot of changes happening behind the doors of Ladybird. We recently moved in to our brand new office in Round Rock and have been hard at work renovating the space.
In addition to settling in to our new home, we have been planning some exciting new things and are happy to announce that Ladybird Wedding Films is officially in the process of becoming Ladybird Studios! Why the change? We are thrilled to tell you that in addition to beautiful wedding films, we will now be offering photography!
Photography has been part of the grand vision for Ladybird for quite a while and we are so stoked to have found an amazing photographer to join the company and help us achieve our dream!
Meet Matthew. Matthew Stegall.
For the past 4 years, Matt has spent every waking minute of every single day pursuing his passion for capturing moments in time that are often missed by the eye.
In 2012, he purchased his first camera and his life changed completely. Growing up in a broken home all his life, he never had the opportunity to attend weddings or experience seeing intense love between two people that would give up everything for one another. It is this background that he believes lends to his style of capturing moments in hyper detail. To Matthew, the smallest gestures on a shoot speak the loudest over everything that is happening. A soft nudge of the elbow and light grin can tell a story in that tiny moment that can express the inner workings of the soul often overlooked for the bigger picture. It is these moments in time that Matthew prides himself on capturing along with the big picture images to tell a complete and compelling story.
We are so honored to have Matthew as part of the Ladybird team. Together, we will bring you beautiful photography at an affordable price so you can cherish your special day forever.
Stay tuned and bear with us as we continue to re-brand and transition. Our newly updated website and domain is coming soon!